Monday, 10 November 2014

The problem by Isaac.

Bob didn't know what to do he thought to himself what do I do but it was too late! I woke up in the hospital 2 weeks later wondering where I was. The nurse came in and rushed to get the doctor. He came back and said I had been knocked out for 2 whole weeks. I asked when I would be able to leave but they said not until the weekend. I wondered what happened but I couldn't remember.

It was the weekend and I was allowed to go but I had a condition so I can't drive any more so I got my brother Bobby J to pick me up. We went to the car wreck I saw a piece of metal that went threw the passenger side so it was lucky that no one was with me. I took my wrecked car to the scrap metals I got a bit of cash but not enough for a bike for me to ride so I went to stay at my Mums house until I get enough money to buy a bike.

The next day I went back to the hospital cause I had to get some pills and then I had to to see the people I crashed into they were in a even worser condition than I was I felt a bit. Sorry for them but it was there fault for not looking both ways before you cross the road. They learnt there lesson by not looking both ways before they cross the road.

Location:New Zealand

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